First Transnational Seminar – DIGILARE 2024 (Viena)

Information and consultation rights also for non-employees? Which is the applicable law for information and consultation rights in a cross-border-telework context? Topics that were explored during the first transnational seminar of the DIGILARE (101126503) project on Digitalization of Industrial Labour Relations, funded by the European Union. During two days, from 6-7 June 2024, academics, social…

New research paper: “The Digitalisation of Tools for Workers’ Representation in Europe: A First Approach”

A new research paper has been published by José María Miranda Boto and Elisabeth Brameshuber in the journal Bialystok Legal Studies / Białostockie Studia Prawnicze (2024, 2). Abstract: The unstoppable digitalisation of work also brings with it alterations at the collective level of labour relations. On the one hand, the dispersal of the workforce entails…

Parliament adopts Platform Work Directive

On 24 April 2024, MEPs approved new rules aiming to improve the working conditions on platform workers. The Platform Work Directive, agreed on by the Parliament and the Council in February, and adopted with 554 votes in favour, 56 votes against and 24 abstentions, aim to ensure that platform workers have their employment status classified…

Platform workers: Council confirms agreement on new rules to improve their working conditions

EU employment and social affairs ministers confirmed the provisional agreement reached on 8 February 2024 between the Council’s presidency and the European Parliament’s negotiators on the platform work directive. The directive has two main objectives: On the one hand, addressing false self-employment in platform work. The agreed text strikes a balance between respecting national labour…