Christophe Teissier
Christophe Teissier has a Master of Research (postgraduate diploma) in Economic Law. For more than 15 years, he has been focusing his activities on Labour Law, individual as well as collective aspects, mainly linked to Labour Law, employee representation and social dialogue, including restructuring issues. From 2001 to 2005, while working as a lecturer in different universities (Labour and Civil Law), he was coordinator of the “ACI Travail”, a program of the French Ministry of Research to support innovative researches on labour changes. Since 2005, he has been working as a Project Manager at the European University of Work and, since November 2007, at ASTREES.
His current activities relate to coordination, research and training in the field of work, Labour Law and social dialogue. In respect to this, he has worked on a number of both French and European projects related to workers’ representation, social dialogue and collective bargaining, restructuring, evolution of Labour Law and occupational health and safety. In the last years, his works related to the role of social dialogue in the digital transformation of several sectors (Post, manufacturing, construction) and he is currently involved in a European study (IR SMART project) related to remote working and the evolution of industrial relations. Moreover, Christophe is also strongly involved in training of European Works Councils members from different countries and industries and leads, together with IR SHARE, the French Club of European Works councils bringing together HR managers and employee reps in different transnational companies and sectors. In addition, Christophe is today the co-leader of the Sharers and Workers network, dedicated to the social implications of the platform economy.